
Leith Connections

Delivering the project

Foot of the Walk to Ocean Terminal

Construction work will take place along Great Junction Street, Henderson Street, Sandport Place and Dock Street from 18 November 2024. .  

On Great Junction Street, work will begin with some preliminary works on traffic refuge islands and the southern pavement.  Main works on the cycle track along the northern side of Great Junction Street will start in the new year.

For some periods of work a gyratory system will be introduced on Henderson Street with northbound traffic access via Cables Wynd. Some parking and loading bays will be suspended in the area to allow for traffic managment and safe access to the site. Temporary loading/unloading areas will be set up for deliveries. Exact dates and information about parking restrictions will be displayed on yellow signs before work begins. 

Due to the nature of the work taking place in the road and along the pavements, some disruption is unfortunately unavoidable. We will work with you to reduce the impact as much as possible.

View a summary of work areas and dates. Leith Connections map showing construction phasing

Map showing construction phasing

Please note that dates are liable to change due to unforeseen circumstances.

Liveable neighbourhood

We started work on the scheme in April 2023. This first period of work included

  • traffic filters to remove through motor vehicle traffic
  • creation of new community spaces with planting and benches
  • footway buildouts to help cross the streets
  • new dropped crossings and tactile paving
  • removal of street clutter

Map of plans for changes to Leith area through the Leith Connections Project

Sandport Place Bridge and Coburg Street are now closed to through motor vehicle traffic and we have used this opportunity will install new seating and planters in these areas. Every residential and business address can still be reached by motor vehicle.

Traffic operations

Since April 2023 some routes and access points used by motor vehicle have changed. All streets are still accessible for local residents, deliveries, loading and emergency services. 

  • Wellington Place/ John's Place - motor traffic is not able to pass between these streets
  • Burgess Street - motor traffic is not able to pass between Burgess Street and Shore, accessible by motor vehicle from Water Street
  • Sandport Place Bridge - closed to through motor traffic
  • Coburg Street - closed to through motor traffic and accessible for motor vehicle from North Junction Street
  • Shore southbound bus gate operational - buses, taxis, cycles only outside morning loading hours
  • Tolbooth Wynd - closed to through motor traffic and accessible for motor vehicle from Henderson Street only. Tolbooth Wynd becomes two way.
  • Links Place - westbound bus gate operational (buses, taxis, cycles only)

Some of these measures are permanent changes but some have been introduced as a trial under an Experimental Traffic Order (ETRO). We have recently completed the statutory consultation period associated with these measures. The results of this consultation along with monitoring and evaluation results will be reported back to Committee.  A decision on the future of the trial measures is expected to be made in February 2025.


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Contact the team

Email us with any questions or comments.