Latest news
Traffic management changes between Foot of the Walk and Manderston Street
Find out more about the upcoming traffic management changes between Foot of the Walk (including Duke Street) and Manderston Street on Leith Walk.
Temporary wooden planters to be installed on Leith Walk
Find out more about the temporary wooden planters installed on Leith Walk.
Union Street - Closure at Antigua Street/Leith Walk
Find out more about the temporary closure of Union Street
Additional Traffic Management Arrangements as of 5 May
Please find below a summary of additional traffic management arrangements to accommodate site investigations works and utility diversions outside the main area of works.
Saturday working hours
We will be working additional hours on Saturdays up to and including 4 June 2022 from 1pm to 5pm in the following areas:
Localised works at York Place
Find out more about the localised works at York Place.
Fence line extension on Constitution Street, between Coatfield Lane and Queen Charlotte Street.
Notification of fence line extension for drainage, ducting and hard landscaping works on the west side of Constitution Street between Coatfield Lane and Queen Charlotte Street.
Fence line extension for tram stop and hard landscaping works on the east side of Constitution Street between Foot of the Walk and Laurie Street.
As part of the Trams to Newhaven Project, reinstatement works are continuing in the surrounding area on the east side in the above location.
Traffic Management Changes at Stevedore Place April 2022
In order to accommodate the progression of further utility diversions and main infrastructure works in the area, there will be further adjustments to the current arrangements.
Additional Traffic Management Arrangements as of 11 April
Please find below a summary of additional traffic management arrangements to accommodate site investigations works and utility diversions outside the main area of works.