Latest news
Stevedore Place Road Closure Thursday 16 June
Update: this closure will now take place between 8pm and 11pm on Thursday 16 June
Pilrig Street - London Road: Traffic management changes
Traffic management arrangements on Leith Walk between Pilrig Street - London Road are scheduled to change in the next two weeks.
Traffic / Pedestrian Management on Constitution Street by Coatfield Lane
Changes to Traffic / Pedestrian Management on Constitution Street
Extension to site lines at 105 Leith Walk for SPEN works
From Monday 30 May 2022 there will be an extension to our site lines at 105 Leith Walk to accommodate SPEN connection works.
Annandale Street to Picardy Place: Upcoming changes to traffic management and site working areas
UPDATE:Â From Friday 10 June there will be changes made to the traffic management on London Road. A give way will be installed at the junction for traffic travelling city bound from London Road.Â
Annandale Junction Works
Find out more about the traffic management arrangements in and around the Annandale Street / Leith Walk junction.
Works update on Constitution Street
There will be further works between Queen Charlotte Street (QCS) and Bernard / Baltic Junction on Constitution Street from week commencing 16 May 2022.
Sunday Works Rennie's Isle to Tower Place
As a result of complex utilities and archaeology works in the area, Morrison Utility Services will be working from 10am – 5pm on the following Sundays:
Jane Street - Parking restrictions for reinstatement works
Find out more about the temporary parking restrictions at Jane Street.
Albert Street Half Road Closure
Find out more about the temporary half-road closure of Albert Street.