
Activity Agreements

No One Left Behind Activity Agreements

No One Left Behind (NOLB) Activity Agreements are an option for school leavers or young people who aren’t feeling confident about taking the next step to college, training or employment. They help to build new skills and increase levels of confidence. 

An Activity Agreement is an individual package of activity and learning that is built around a young person’s needs and interests. This could be a range of activities - music, arts, sport, outdoor activities - and can be flexible to the young person’s suggestions. The aim is that upon completing a programme a young person will be more confident and feel ready to make the next transition into further education, training or employment.  

To be eligible, a young person must be aged between 15½ and 26 years and not be in a job, education or training.

The service provides a young person with regular support from a NOLB Activity Agreement Coach and work on an individual plan that will help them to reach their goals. Participants may also be eligible for . 

For more information email activityagreements@edinburgh.gov.uk.

Activity Agreements