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London Road/Leith Walk junction: mitigation measures

Find out more about the mitigation measures taken at this junction to improve movements and prevent illegal manoeuvres.

The project is aware of the issues at the London Road/Leith Walk junction with drivers failing to observe the left-hand turn ban despite a number of signs being in place. The decision to ban this movement was taken on the basis of extensive traffic modelling to ensure public transport efficiency and protect pedestrians.

Notwithstanding, following engagement with Police Scotland over the number of motorists flouting the ban, the project has decided to take the following steps:

  • Defenders have been installed to further emphasise that the left-hand turn is banned
  • The phasing of traffic signals around the Picardy junction has been amended so that vehicles can move around the junction more efficiently
  • Further bespoke signage clearly indicating the correct route is being developed to aid drivers unsure how to travel around Picardy Place

We will continue to monitor the junction and take additional measures as required.

Published: 21st December 2022