Additional Traffic Management Arrangements as of 21 November 2022
![Weekly Traffic Management](/tramstonewhaven/images/Weekly_Traffic_Management_image_article.jpg)
Please find below a summary of additional traffic management arrangements to accommodate site investigation works and utility diversions outside the main area of works.
Traffic management
York Place to London Road
The London Road junction has reopened to traffic.
- There is no left turn from Leith Walk into London Road. Traffic coming from Leith Walk wishing to access London Road should do so by going via Picardy Place and then turn right onto London Road.
- There is no right-hand turn from London Road onto Leith Walk. Traffic coming from London Road wishing to access Leith Walk should turn left and go via Picardy Place before heading straight onto Leith Walk.
The Picardy Place turn-back will be closed from 21- 25 November 2022 to all traffic for underground drainage connections.
Site lines at 8 Picardy Place will be extended during this time to support these works which will reduce the carriageway to one lane.
The below streets are closed at their junctions with Leith Walk:
- Jane Street
- Iona Street - permanently closed as part of Final Designs
- Lorne Street
- Albert Street – temporarily closed by Scottish Water.
- Brunswick Street – until further notice
- Montgomery Street - permanently closed as part of Final Designs
The below streets are open at their junction with Leith Walk
- Balfour Street - vehicles can exit Balfour Street and turn right heading south
- Dalmeny Street - vehicles can turn left into Dalmeny Street from Leith Walk and left out of Dalmeny Street onto Leith Walk.
- Brunswick Road - remains one-way but the direction has changed to eastbound towards Easter Road. The left turn off Leith Walk onto Brunswick Road is not permitted. Traffic coming from McDonald Road can continue straight onto Brunswick Road. All-stop pedestrian phase in place.
Please note, the carriageway on the west side from Pilrig Street to Balfour Street is closed to vehicles. Access to Arthur Street is via Balfour Street or Pilrig Street.
Traffic management changed from the weekend of 22 October and will remain in place until the end of works. There will be two Phases, with Phase One currently in place.
- Site arrangements will move from east to west between Foot of the Walk and Crown Place.
- The Manderston Street / Leith Walk junction remains open to traffic travelling from Easter Road to Leith Walk. Vehicles will only be allowed to turn left onto Leith Walk heading towards the city centre.
- The left-hand turn from Duke Street onto Leith Walk will be re-introduced.
- No access to Manderston Street from Leith Walk.
- Traffic will continue to be able to turn right from Great Junction Street onto Leith Walk.
- Traffic movements between Great Junction Street and Duke Street heading both ways will remain under two-way traffic management.
- Site lines will be extended on Duke Street heading east. The pedestrian crossing point will remain in place, however, will move throughout the phasing of these works to accommodate associated works.
- The pedestrian crossing point on Great Junction Street will be temporarily reinstated, however, will move throughout the phasing of these works to accommodate associated works.
- Alternative diversions will be in place which will be signposted.
- During Phase Two (29 and 30 October 2022) site arrangements will move from the east side of Leith Walk to the west side of Leith Walk, between Crown Place to Jane Street.
- Pedestrian access to properties will remain in place at all times.
More info and traffic management plans (PDF): Foot of the Walk and Manderston Street traffic management changes.
- Constitution Street is open to vehicles from Coatfield Lane until Ocean Drive/Tower Place. Temporary traffic management is in place at the entrance of Queen Charlotte up to the entrance of South Leith Parish Church while footway works are ongoing.
- The section between South Leith Parish Church and Foot of the Walk remains closed.
- There is no right turn from Constitution Street to Bernard Street. The temporary diversion is straight ahead via Constitution Street, right onto Queen Charlotte Street, Water Street, Burgess Street, The Shore and Sandport Place.
- Temporary traffic management arrangements will be in place at the Royal Bank of Scotland corner w/c 21/11/22 for approximately five days.
- Please note the Ocean Drive/Stevedore Place section offers no through route to Ocean Terminal and is not suitable for HGVs.
Minor traffic management adjustments have been made at Ocean Drive/Stevedore place. View the Stevedore Place traffic management plans (PDF).
Vehicle access to Tower Place, Forth Ports, Stevedore Place, Constitution Place and Tower Street Industrial Estate will be via Commercial Street / Bernard Street, and onto Constitution Street.
Vehicle access to the Cala Development and the entrance to Rennie’s Isle from the west is provided via Ocean Terminal on Ocean Drive.
Alterations have been made to the traffic management arrangements at Ocean Terminal south roundabout with no right-hand turn access from Ocean Drive to Victoria Quay. To gain vehicle access to Victoria Quay, the turn back at the north of Ocean Drive at Ocean Terminal is available.
Please note that from 29 November to 1 December we will be working additional hours overnight in the Ocean Terminal/Melrose Drive area. This will require restricted vehicle access (managed by marshalls) and a footpath closure. Read more about the overnight works here.
Adjustments to pedestrian routes were made from 26 September and are expected to remain in place until October / November 2022. These involve the closure of the north footpath at Ocean Drive. Localised pedestrian access for Stevedore Place residents, as well as vehicular access to properties, remains in place. Main diversion for pedestrians is via Tower Street / The Shore / Tower Place
More info and map: Stevedore Place pedestrian arrangements
Tower Bridge
Tower Bridge is closed to pedestrians. A pedestrian diversion route will be maintained via the Victoria Swing Bridge
Melrose Drive
A change to pedestrian routes at Melrose Drive/Ocean Drive was made in August 2022 to progress infrastructure works, such as carriageway and footpath works, OLE bases and street lighting. More info: Melrose/Ocean Drive pedestrian diversions
There have been changes to pedestrian arrangements in this area to allow tram stop works to progress. An access route is provided through our works and back onto the footway for all users. More info: Newhaven footpath changes