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Notification of changes to site working area on Montgomery Street

As part of the Trams to Newhaven Project, we are required to adjust our fence lines to accommodate utility works in the area.

To accommodate these works we are required to extend our site lines towards properties on the north side of the Montgomery Street / Leith Walk junction.  These arrangements are expected to be installed from Monday 24 October 2022 and are expected to remain in place for two weeks.

Pedestrian diversions will be in place on footways with access to shops, hospitality and leisure units being maintained. However, footway widths will be reduced but access will be maintained for members of the public, residents, and local shop owners.

Businesses that are currently occupying the footway will have to remove any arrangements in place to accommodate the works, this includes permit holders for hospitality venues removing all tables and chairs while these works are being carried out.

The logistics hub on Montgomery Street remains operational to help with deliveries and dispatches throughout these works.

See the full construction programme.

During the time that the above works are being undertaken, all efforts will be made to minimise disruption and inconvenience to residents and businesses as much as possible.

Published: 20th October 2022