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Notification of Queen Charlotte Street Road Closure

QCS Junction closure

Find out more about the closure of the Queen Charlotte Street junction.

Following our notification for the commencement of works from Coatfield Lane to Queen Charlotte Street issued in December 2021 we will now be implementing the closure of the Queen Charlotte Street junction for east and west bound traffic.

You can view the full traffic management drawings here (2nd TM install). 

What happens now?

The extension of the site and closure of the junction will commence w/c Monday 18th April 2022 with a scheduled completion of Autumn 2022 for this area of works.

Parking restrictions, temporary loading bays and temporary disabled parking are in place on Queen Charlotte Street.

In order to maintain traffic flow in the area, the junction of Maritime Street at Bernard Street (by Café Marmalade) will open one way heading south.  Parking restrictions will be in place on Maritime Street to facilitate the closure.

Diversion routes will be clearly signed for all traffic including cyclists; however, cyclists can use the option of walking bicycles through the pedestrian routes. 

Contact Us

If you have any concerns or further questions regarding these works then please contact the Trams to Newhaven project team by email on Newhaven.tram@edinburgh.gov.uk or alternatively contact our customer helpline on 0131 322 1122 (local rate Monday to Sunday 8am to 7pm).


Published: 8th April 2022