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Logistics Hubs FAQ

What is a logistics hub?

Logistics hubs will provide last mile support for large sized deliveries and dispatch items. They will consist of a site cabin, daytime storage and lined or fenced off loading areas for delivery vehicles.

Our team will be on hand six days a week to assist delivery drivers getting goods into and out of your premises using trolleys and cargo bikes.

Hubs will also provide on-street information to residents and businesses with an indoor seating area (should you fancy a cup of tea).

The logistics hub can also be used by residents for the delivery of bulky items such as sofas or fridge freezers. Please discuss these deliveries in advance with our logistic officers.

Where will hubs be located?

A hub is currently available on Montgomery Street.

What hours do hubs operate?

Each hub will be open Monday – Friday from 8am – 4:30pm and Saturdays from 8am to 12pm.

Can a delivery driver make deliveries outside of these times?

Deliveries outside these hours will be managed by the businesses receiving the goods. We would advise businesses who expect to receive large deliveries outside of these times to contact their supplier to reschedule deliveries within operating hours, where we will be happy to provide any help you need. If deliveries are being made using a city or transit van while hubs are closed, please use one of the loading areas listed overleaf.

What type of vehicles should use the hubs?

Primarily, hubs will deal with deliveries from larger vehicles such as rigid- and fixed-axle lorries. Drivers of transit, city or similar sized vehicles should make use of dedicated loading bays next to the hubs as well as additional bays across the route.

I’m making a delivery using a city or transit van, should I seek out delivery help from a member of staff?

In this case, you should attempt to make the delivery yourself. Should you require any help or access to a trolley, speak to a member of our team.

Can I pool my deliveries with other businesses?

Yes. Traders are encouraged to work together to facilitate multiple drops in the same geographical area, by the same vehicle. Regular communication between our team and businesses will continue to help identify any opportunities.

Help us help you

Help us make a success of logistics support with our handy checklist:

  • Let us know in advance when you expect a delivery or to send out bulky goods.
  • Inform your delivery driver of your hub location.
  • Speak with your suppliers to rearrange large deliveries outside of hub hours.
  • Engage our team and other businesses in your area to consolidate deliveries.
  • Sign up for cargo bike training course.