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CoCP Compliance

Code of Construction Practice - Public Information

Detailed below is a summary of how we are complying with the Code of Construction Practice (CoCP) in relation to public information. 

2.1 Information Centre and Website

The Contractor shall provide and maintain an Information Centre at a location to be agreed with tie and the City of Â鶹ӳ»­. The Information Centre shall be accessible to stakeholders, frontagers, interested third parties and the general public, between the hours of 0900 and 1700, Monday to Friday (excluding local and national Public Holidays). Up to date information on the progress of the works and the current areas affected by construction shall be freely available at the Information Centre. The Contractor shall also provide and maintain a website which shall provide the same information and shall include details of any incidents and accidents attributed to the construction of tram works.

To comply with this we have the following in place:

We have installed Logistics Hubs on Mitchell Street, Foot of the Walk, Dalmeny Street, Albert Street and Montgomery Street. These hubs act as information hubs for the project with dedicated officers who have been briefed on the project. These are open 8am - 5:30pm Monday - Friday and 8am - 1:30pm on Saturdays.

We have a dedicated contact centre open Monday to Sunday 8am to 7pm.

2.2 Weekly newsletter

The Contractor shall publish a weekly newsletter every Wednesday, detailing works to be undertaken in the forthcoming week and outlining, with appropriate maps and diagrams, any alterations to road traffic circulation patterns required by the coming week’s works. This newsletter will be published;

  • on the Website,
  • by Fax and email to; local and national newspapers and other news media, The City ofÂ鶹ӳ»­, Lothian and Borders Police, the emergency services and to any other persons or organisations that have requested receipt of the newsletter.

Sufficient free-distribution, take-away hard copies of the newsletter shall be placed in the Information Centre by 0800 every Thursday morning. No charge will be made for this service.

To comply with this we have put the following in place:

Newsletter is published fortnightly.  The advent of social media has reduced the requirement for a weekly newsletter. The project has two dedicated social media channels, twitter and Instagram. The website is hosted on the website under a dedicated Newsletter section.

The newsletter content is also issued to the communications  team at the City of Â鶹ӳ»­ 

Due to COVID we are not currently holding hard copies at the logistics hubs. Content from the newsletter will be included on community boards which are being installed on the route.

2.3 Complaints Hotline

The Contractor shall also provide and maintain a Freephone Hotline to deal with any complaints, comments or queries received in connection with the Edinburgh Tram Works. The Hotline will be answered by the Liaison Officer, a deputy or by another designated competent operator between the hours of 0700 and one hour after work terminates for the day, on every day when construction work is being undertaken. Outwith these hours an automated call recording service will be provided. The telephone number, fax number and website address of the hotline shall be publicised through the press and the Weekly newsletter and clearly displayed on hoardings around every worksite and at other suitable locations within and in the vicinity of every worksite.

To comply we have put the following in place:

A contact centre has been set up for phone, email and Twitter queries. Calls are monitored between 8am - 7pm Monday to Sunday with Twitter and emails monitored 9am - 5pm Monday to Friday. 

Contact details are on site signage, social media content and project website.  Contact centre runs a Customer Relationship Management System (Freshwork / Freshdesk) which captures communications with residents and businesses. All information is stored in compliance with GDPR rules. Our complaints procedure can be viewed here. 

2.4 Contacts Log

All complaints, comments and queries received shall be registered in a suitable Log and appropriate action in response instigated within 24 hours by the Contractor.

To comply we have put the following in place:

All queries are registered on the project's Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system and monthly reports will detail performance.