Help with benefits and money advice
Benefit calculators
You can use one of these independent benefit calculators to find out
- what benefits you could get
- how to claim
- how your benefits will be affected if you start work
For more information visit the .
Maximise! is a partnership between CHAI and supported by the City of Â鶹ӳ». They provide a round service to pupils’ families to help improve relationships, increase confidence, support well-being and increase community links as well as providing advice to maximise your income, reduce debt, resolve housing issues and gain employment. For more information visit the and to make an appointment, please contact your child’s school or phone CHAI at
0131 442 2100
CHAI helps and empowers people through high-quality, impartial advice on welfare benefits, housing and debt. The Advice team consists of specialist and generic advice workers and a small band of skilled volunteers. They deliver advice in a range of outreach locations city-wide including GP practices, mental health hubs, community centres, schools, libraries etc. Please discuss your requirements when booking an appointment. Appointments can be made onor by phone
0131 442 2100
The Advice Shop
The Advice Shop offers help with welfare rights including income maximisation, through welfare benefits, tax credits and grants. They also offer debt advice to resolve personal debt including credit cards, bank loans, rent arrears, personal loans, store cards, catalogues and mortgage arrears. If you need advice visit the or contact
0131 200 2360
Citizens Advice Edinburgh
Citizens Advice Edinburgh specialise in welfare rights, debt, budgeting, employment, housing, energy, immigration, consumer rights and health. They are city-wide and have five bureaus and 13 outreach sites serving every locality. They also deliver the national Pensionwise and patient advice and support services. For more information visit the or contact
0131 510 5510
Christians Against Poverty
Christians Against Poverty (CAP) specialise in providing community-based debt help, with the option of appointments from the privacy and comfort of your own home. Through their person-centred approach, you'll be given the support you need, including emergency aid where needed, every step of the way to becoming debt-free. To start your debt-free journey visit the Christians Against Poverty website or contact
08003 280 006
Whole Family Equality Project
This project aims to address poverty and inequality within ethnic minority communities in Edinburgh. The project aims to provide holistic support to help families improve their finances, health and wellbeing, and increase children’s positive participation in school life and educational attainment. The project will also work closely with families who want to move into work or improve their work or career pathway. For more information visit the
Finding Lost Child Trust Fund
Those born in the United Kingdom AFTER 1 September 2002, and are aged 16 or over, are most certain to have a Child Trust Fund – money put into a personal account for them by the Government, which could now be worth £1,000 or more. To request help in finding this money complete the .