
Edinburgh 900 community fund opens for applications

E900 Landscape Mark

Community groups in the Capital can now apply for up to £5,000 worth of funding as part of the Edinburgh 900 programme.

Edinburgh 900 is a celebration of the nine centuries of history and traditions in Scotland’s capital city since the founding of the royal burgh by King David I around 1124. 

As part of the wider programme, £100,000 has been allocated to the Edinburgh 900 Community Fund to allow our residents to celebrate their city’s rich heritage and inspiring present. Community fund applications need to be led by an Edinburgh-based community group and focussed on activities or events held within their local area. Each application can be to a maximum of £5,000.

There is also a separate civic fund of £100,000 focussed on city-wide events with applications led by an Edinburgh-based cultural or heritage organisation. Each application can be to a maximum of £15,000.

For both the civic and community fund applications must demonstrate a commitment to the Edinburgh 900 programme aims and themes. The full criteria and guidance for applications are available on our website.

The deadline for applications to the civic fund is 20 May 2024. For the community fund the deadline is 27 May 2024.

The Edinburgh 900 Implementation Programme Board will review all applications and determine funding allocations for both funds. We will let you know the outcome of your application within four weeks of the application deadline.

If you are already planning events for 2024 or 2025 and would like to be part of our Edinburgh 900 programme, you can apply through our separate application process to use the Edinburgh 900 logo and be advertised on the programme website and marketing activity.

For any general queries about the Edinburgh 900 programme please contact edinburgh900@edinburgh.gov.uk

The Lord Provost of the City of Edinburgh, Robert Aldridge said:

I’m delighted that both the Edinburgh 900 community and civic funds are now open for applications.

I’m clear that our communities should play an integral part in these celebrations and I’m really excited to see the proposals as they come through in the next few weeks. I have no doubt that our residents will rise to the occasion and show the very best aspects of our city.

On the civic side this is an opportunity for our cultural and heritage organisations to exhibit Edinburgh and it’s illustrious past like never before.

Edinburgh 900 represents almost a millennium of our shared history. The full programme will examine how Edinburgh came to be over the centuries, from commerce to conflict and from faith to finance, there are an incredibly rich and varied set of themes. The programme will also celebrate Edinburgh in the present day and look ahead to our future ambitions and aspirations. These two funds represent a great opportunity to showcase these stories to our city and the wider world.

Published: April 27th 2024