
Council to consider framework to shape development in west Edinburgh 

Artist's impression of housing

Following consultation with residents and interested organisations in and around the west of the city a final framework for development will be considered by the Planning Committee on 19 December.

Development in the west of Edinburgh forms part of the draft City Plan 2030, currently being considered by the Scottish Government. Therefore, if approved by committee, will be implemented when City Plan 2030 is adopted. The masterplan would then be used as a material consideration as non-statutory guidance for future planning applications. 

The framework was informed by previous work on this area and a 12-week consultation from July to October last year for land extending from Eastfield Road in the west to Maybury junction in the east, with Edinburgh Airport and Turnhouse Road to the north. There are a range of new opportunities for new homes and other uses in this area as set out in City Plan 2030. The aim is to create new 20 minute neighbourhoods to help Edinburgh toward its housing and net zero ambition, with a range of facilities which people will need to live well locally such as schools and medical centres. 

Hundreds of people took part in the consultation either online or in person at drop in sessions or focus groups we held. Meetings also took place with key developers and landowners. 

A major theme from the consultation was having excellent transport links in the area including active travel routes and public transport. These objectives are all at the core of the proposed WEPFEM and tie in with the wider   - a major transport improvement project for area. The project is funded through the Edinburgh and South East Scotland City Region Deal. The plan is to have better connected communities with major employment, education, healthcare and leisure opportunities easily accessible. This will also make it easier for more people to make a greater number of journeys by bus or by cycling, walking or wheeling. 

An overarching vision on how the west of the city could be developed over the next 30 years - -  was also published for discussion last year. 

Planning Convener Cllr James Dalgleish said: 

I’d like to thank everyone who took part in the consultation last year. The feedback was really valuable in helping us to finalise our draft framework for committee to consider next week. 

When City Plan 2030 is adopted developers will be able to use this framework as a guide to help us create new thriving 20 minute neighbourhoods to the north of Gogarburn. We’re hoping to see more than 3,500 quality energy efficient affordable homes delivered. This will help us address the city’s housing emergency as well as significantly contributing to Edinburgh achieving net zero. The development will have a mix of uses such as retail, schools, healthcare and office space.

Like other neighbourhoods in west Edinburgh these new communities will need to be well connected to the rest of the city, the wider region and beyond through improved public transport links.

To help to reduce car use the high density 20 minute neighbourhoods created will need to be supported with a number of new bus and active travel routes and as well as the existing tram line which runs through the area.



Published: December 13th 2023