
Edinburgh prepares for Bonfire Night

Councillor Tim Pogson, Chair of the Edinburgh Community Safety and Justice Partnership, writes in today's Evening News about the city's preparation for Bonfire Night.

With Bonfire Night taking place this Sunday (November 5), whilst the vast majority of our residents will behave and celebrate appropriately, I’m conscious of some of the appalling scenes last year where we saw widespread disorder, with emergency services vehicles and officers being attacked.

In 2022, two officers in Edinburgh were treated in hospital for head injuries after bricks were thrown at their vehicle. In another incident in the Capital, approximately 100 people threw fireworks at members of the public and vehicles. This is unacceptable, and I want to be clear that we will not tolerate any attacks on our emergency services who work hard to keep us all safe.

Last week (October 26), Depute Lord Provost Lezley Marion Cameron attended the launch of Crimestoppers Scotland’s campaign targeting violence against emergency services. Communities which experienced an increase in firework attacks will be equipped with leaflets, posters, and banners to raise awareness of the law around fireworks misuse and help gather information about who is responsible.

Since last year’s incidents, Police Scotland in Edinburgh have worked proactively to identify those involved which has resulted in 29 people being charged with 59 offences. This year Police Scotland have been clear that there’ll be a zero-tolerance approach towards violence and threatening behaviour.

It’s important to highlight the partnership work that has been ongoing for many months to prepare the city for what is the busiest night of the year for our emergency services. Teams from across the Council have been working closely with Scottish Fire and Rescue Service (SFRS), Police Scotland, Scottish Ambulance Service, and other key partners in the buildup to Bonfire Night.

From engagement with schools, youth services, and community organisations on the dangers of fireworks, to proactive social media campaigns, and increased patrols from waste services to collect items that could potentially be set alight to name a few, we’re committed to making sure Edinburgh is properly prepared. I’d like to make special mention of our work with Lothian Association of Youth Clubs as well as our Housing Services and partner Registered Social Landlords. This work will continue up to, including and beyond Bonfire Night where we review this year’s outcomes and begin preparations anew.

We’re committed to working with our partners and local communities to make sure everyone stays safe this Bonfire Night.

I would urge everyone in the city to only attend organised displays and look out for one another. Further safety information and guidance is available  

You can report information related to Bonfire Night anonymously to Crimestoppers on 0800555111. Please also contact Trading Standards on trading.standards@edinburgh.gov.uk or 0131 608 1100 if you have any information on the illegal sale of fireworks. 

Published: November 1st 2023