
Updated 20-minute neighbourhood vision unveiled for Edinburgh

A key strategy has been updated to help people across Edinburgh live well locally in places that are healthier, greener, more vibrant and inclusive.

The Council’s initial 20-Minute Neighbourhood Strategy was approved by the Policy and Sustainability Committee on , outlining a vision for a city where everyone can meet most of their daily needs within a short walk, wheel or cycle from their home. A further report on gave an update on how the Strategy was being delivered.

This strategy has now been refreshed to provide the latest information on key projects that are being progressed, alongside the overall direction and delivery of the concept in Edinburgh. 

Through the 20-minute neighbourhood approach, the Council is working in partnership with local communities across the capital to help to deliver its strategic priorities of creating good places to live and work, while meeting its targets of ending poverty and becoming net zero by 2030.

The 20-minute neighbourhood approach in Edinburgh focusses on making it easier for people to access daily services and facilities in their local area. It is now being implemented through several key ‘building blocks’:

•    Working with local communities
•    Supporting people to access the services they need locally
•    Providing multiple services and facilities from a single location
•    Delivering mixed-use regeneration and development
•    Making our town and local centres greener, more inclusive and more people-focussed
•    Supporting local economies and businesses
•    Improving sustainable and active travel access to services and facilities

Councillor Val Walker, Culture and Communities Convener, said:

We want to support people across the city to live well locally, and this latest update to our 20-Minute Neighbourhood Strategy shows how we are working to deliver this approach in different parts of Edinburgh. 

The 20-minute neighbourhood concept is one that many communities already enjoy: ensuring services and facilities are close to residents, enabling walking, wheeling and cycling to be the natural choice for shorter journeys. 

Now, we are starting to see how all residents throughout Edinburgh can fully enjoy this approach and live in a cleaner, greener and more thriving city that supports communities and brings people together. By putting local people at the heart of everything, each person living in the city can choose to participate in all community, cultural and heritage activities.

The updated strategy outlines how our support for local living can give more people more choice within their neighbourhood, while also making it easier to travel further to access the services and facilities they need on public transport and by active travel. 

We know people have strong views on this concept, and we believe engaging and collaborating with communities across the city to understand their needs is essential. That’s why we’re involving communities at an early stage of design projects as a key priority. If we work together, everyone can benefit from healthier, well-connected and thriving neighbourhoods right across the city.

Read the full 20-Minute Neighbourhood Strategy here.  

Current key projects

These updates show different examples how the 20-minute neighbourhood concept is currently being embedded into key projects across the city. Following initial engagement with communities earlier this year, proposals are currently being developed to make it easier to access Gorgie Dalry, Portobello and Craigmillar town centres by walking, wheeling cycling and public transport while improving the quality of local streets and public spaces.

Further information on these projects is available on the 20-Minute Neighbourhoods section of the Council's website.

Pennywell & Muirhouse

The regeneration of Pennywell and Muirhouse is a long-standing objective for the Council and its partners.  Work completed to date includes a new School, medical centre, retail centre, improved public realm and new homes.  There will be around 1000 new mixed tenure homes of which over 50% will be affordable.  730 new homes have been delivered to date across several sites in the area.

A community hub is also under construction at the local centre. The hub will have an early years centre, library, skills hub, six affordable homes and space for North Edinburgh Arts. 

The hub is being delivered in partnership with North Edinburgh Arts and aims to promote culture, learning, work and wellbeing within the local community. All staff operating from the hub space will follow a ‘No Wrong Door’ approach to make sure citizens can access relevant services in the space or be signposted where necessary.

The NEAT Connections project will deliver improved active travel links to the new local centre, schools and services. 

Granton Waterfront

The Granton Waterfront regeneration will deliver a new coastal town with an ambitious 20-minute neighbourhood vision over the next 10-15 years. The regeneration will deliver around 3,500 new net zero carbon homes (over 35% of them affordable); a primary school, commercial, creative, and community space, and a new coastal park. 

The project will create new employment opportunities, meaning residents of this fast-growing area will be able to access work locally. Partner organisations will deliver substantial new cultural and educational assets over the regeneration timeframe.

Early Action housing projects are well underway at Western Villages, Silverlea and the Demonstrator site at Waterfront Avenue. In March 2023, the Granton Station Square building opened and provides affordable workspace for artists and creative industries. 

New active travel and public transport infrastructure will be created throughout the regeneration area, including new cycle paths and a mobility hub.


Planning permission for a new Liberton High School has been granted, with a GP practice and community facilities a key part of the design. 

The creation of a community campus will deliver a range of services and activities and aims to create a place where multiple services and partners can be accessed that contribute to health, wellbeing and learning of young people and the wider community. 

Published: September 4th 2023