
Updated Road Safety Action Plan aims for Vision Zero

A proposed Road Safety Action Plan for Edinburgh sets out an ambitious target for zero fatalities on the city’s roads by 2030.

The updates on the previous plan, approved in 2010, which commits to providing a safe and modern road network for the 21st century. Since then, there has been an overall downward trend in collisions resulting in injuries in Edinburgh.

The renewed plan, to be considered by on Thursday, has been developed to align with objectives contained in , published by the Scottish Government in 2021. By adopting the same safe systems approach to road safety, Edinburgh’s action plan aims to further reduce the number of personal injury collisions in the city.

The targets set out in the draft Action Plan, to be met by 2030, either meet or exceed the targets set out in the national Road Safety Framework. Edinburgh’s proposed targets are:

  • Zero fatalities
  • At least a 50% reduction in people seriously injured
  • At least a 60% reduction in children and young people (under 18 years old) seriously injured
  • At least a 40% reduction in pedestrians seriously injured
  • At least a 30% reduction in cyclists seriously injured
  • At least a 30% reduction in motorcyclists seriously injured
  • At least a 20% reduction in road users aged 65 and over seriously injured
  • At least a 70% reduction in road users aged between 18 to 24 seriously injured

Actions to achieve these targets will be set out in a Delivery Plan, updated annually. On Thursday, councillors will be asked to approve the first Delivery Plan to 2024, which comprises of more than 100 actions, including proposals for new pedestrian crossings, speed limit reductions and further speed reduction measures.

Councillor Scott Arthur, Transport and Environment Convener, said:

Any injury resulting from a collision on our roads is one too many. We have a responsibility to create safe and welcoming streets for all, and the Road Safety Action Plan is key to achieving this. I am keen to work with residents to ensure routes to schools are made safer, traffic short-cutting through residential communities is reduced and physical measures are introduced to cut speeds.

Thankfully, over the last decade, the number of collisions resulting in injury has continued to fall – but there is clearly much more to be done. The plan sets out a series of targets to significantly reduce the number further and, ultimately, attain ‘Vision Zero’ for Edinburgh.

Safer, calmer streets are much better places to spend time, walk, wheel and cycle, in turn supporting the City Mobility Plan’s vision for a safer and more inclusive net zero carbon transport system.

By creating safer streets, the Road Safety Action Plan supports the objectives of Edinburgh’s City Mobility Plan (CMP), which envisions a well-connected, safe and more inclusive net zero carbon transport system for the Capital. It is one of several plans being progressed to deliver the policies set out in the CMP and, if approved, these will be collectively presented for public consultation in early 2023.

The latest Draft Road Safety Action Plan has been developed in partnership with the Council’s road safety partners, including Police Scotland and the Scottish Fire and Rescue Service. Engagement with partners will continue throughout the duration of the Action Plan to ensure co-operation towards meeting targets.

, online. discuss the report live from 10am on Thursday, 8 December, via webcast.

Published: December 6th 2022