
Leaders extend welcome to refugees as city ups its support

Council leaders have reaffirmed their warm welcome to refugees fleeing their own countries and have praised ongoing efforts by officers and third sector organisations to offer help.

On Tuesday (22 February), members of the agreed recommendations to increase the number of refugees resettled in Edinburgh to 150, as well as focusing on permanent housing options for Afghan evacuees already in the city.

Members also heard about the range of support offered by Edinburgh’s third sector and other individuals and groups across the city.

Council Leader Adam McVey said:

We’re asking committee to approve actions to be able to increase the number of refugees resettled in the city. The experience of those fleeing their homes is beyond harrowing and we are committed to helping in whatever way we can. Over recent years we have been able to resettle hundreds of refugees and these proposals mean we will be able to give even more people safety and a bright future in our Capital.

We have been liaising with the UK Government to secure the support necessary and will continue working to explore accommodation options. Our focus since September has been on responding to the urgent humanitarian need for accommodation by supporting Afghan families in temporary bridging accommodation. We are now in a position to work on finding people permanent housing and are looking forward to resettling our first permanent Afghan arrivals by the end of the month.

Depute Council Leader Cllr Cammy Day said:

We are committed to doing everything in our power to help those fleeing turbulent circumstances in their home countries. Over recent months we have been engaging closely with the UK and Scottish Governments and we’re pleased to be able to increase our support to those most in need of a safe home. I have asked that the Home Office engage, with Edinburgh and other local authorities, to provide sufficient resources for us to do the best we can for those seeking to settle here.

We pride ourselves on the warm welcome we offer to those in desperate need of our help and this sentiment is shared across the city. Over the last six years of resettlement work, we’ve had a fantastic community response to those seeking a home here, with countless offers of help from groups and individuals around Edinburgh. Whether it’s rucksacks for resettled children from Re-Act or help to co-ordinate efforts from Edinburgh New Scots Steering Group, the support has been fantastic. It’s people like these that make Edinburgh such a wonderful place to live.

, on the Council website.

Published: February 22nd 2022