
Diesel surcharge and permit holder dispensations

Diesel surcharge

We want people in Edinburgh to enjoy

  • cleaner air
  • better health
  • a more pleasant and attractive city.

Edinburgh has made good progress in reducing levels of air pollution. However, there are still areas where pollutants are of concern and are harmful to human health. Road traffic is the main source of these pollutants. Diesel vehicles produce higher levels of these pollutants than their petrol counterparts, the Council introduced a surcharge for diesel-fuelled vehicles as part of the parking permit system in May 2023. 

The diesel surcharge and Low Emission Zone work together to help protect public health by reducing harmful emissions.

Residents’ permit holders

The diesel surcharge went live on 29 May 2023.

All new or first-time applications for a residents' parking permit, where the vehicle applied for is a diesel, will attract the £60 annual charge, pro-rata for 3 (£15.00) and 6 (£30.00) month permits. This will be added to the price of your permit at the application stage.  If you are liable for the diesel surcharge this will also apply at each renewal.

If you were an existing residents’ permit holder with a diesel vehicle, before its introduction, you will be exempt from the surcharge for a period of 3 years. This is so long as you keep your current vehicle and continue to renew your permit before it expires. If you move home, whilst retaining the same vehicle, you will not be subject to the surcharge. However, please contact us at if you make such a move so that we can ensure this process goes smoothly for you.

If you replace an existing diesel vehicle with another or switch to a new diesel vehicle, even within the 3 year exemption period, the surcharge will apply. Permit holders who allow their permit to expire, will need to complete a new application and will be classed as a first-time applicant. This will trigger the application of the surcharge.

If you are a disabled resident with a blue badge, you are eligible for a free residents’ parking permit. Therefore, you will be exempt from the diesel surcharge and there is no time limit on this.