Taxi or private hire car complaints
If you find yourself in the unfortunate position of having to complain about a private hire car or taxi booked through a company, you should first complain to the company. In most cases, they will investigate and sort things out quickly.
Write to us at the address below if
- you aren't happy with how they treat your complaint
- the driver is self-employed
- the taxi was hailed in the street or from a rank.
Please include the following in your complaint
- your name, address, email address and contact phone number
- date and time of the incident
- location
- vehicle registration number
- licence plate number
- brief description of the incident.
Please direct matters of alleged criminality or breaches of road traffic laws to Police Scotland and not the Licensing Service.
When we receive your complaint, an enforcement officer will contact you to advise you as to the type of action, if any, that we can take. In some cases, we may need to take a witness statement from you.
Taxi and private hire car complaints
Address: Licensing Service,Level 10,
City Chambers
249 High Street,