
Get care and support

The assessment

Your initial assessment will be with someone from a local or specialist social work team.  This may be a social worker, an occupational therapist or a community care assistant.  You can ask a friend or family member to be present. The assessment may be over the phone or in person.

The worker will

  • talk to you about your needs for support
  • write down what is discussed
  • give you a copy of the completed assessment form.

The worker will record your views if you do not agree with what is written down.  You will get a copy of the report.

We may need to contact you more than once. We may also ask you if we can contact your GP or district nurse.  This can give us a better picture of your needs. 

We will

  • consider all of the information and decide what we can offer
  • let you know our decision
  • discuss your options with you.

We use agreed criteria to make our decision.