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This means that the appropriate boxes below must be completed to indicate the capacity of the person making the application. The form also requires to be signed in Part 3 by that person. Candidates and agents should note the following restrictions on the use of registers provided to them. THEY MAY NOT SUPPLY A COPY OF THE FULL REGISTER TO ANY PERSON, DISCLOSE ANY INFORMATION CONTAINED IN IT THAT IS NOT INCLUDED IN THE OPEN (EDITED) REGISTER OR MAKE USE OF ANY SUCH INFORMATION OTHER THAN FOR ELECTORAL PURPOSES. I,Name: (a candidate at the election OR (an Election Agent for a candidate standing nominated(please enter an X in the appropriate box) standing for  constituencywish to request a copy of the register of electors and any notice of alteration to it in paper/data* format. I understand that this will be provided in the form of a consolidated register subject to the fact that further alterations may take place after the supply of the register. *delete as appropriate In either case above, please enter the name of the relevant political party, or Independent, in this boxCONFIRMATION BY RETURNING OFFICERTo speed up the processing of a request a candidate or agent may seek the signature of a member of the Returning Officers staff. In the absence of such a signature the candidature will require to be confirmed by the ERO prior to the issue of the register.Returning Officer's SignatureContd Over/. Page 2 Any paper format will be issued as an electronic PDF (by secure transfer portal SharePoint). Data will be supplied in CSV format. Please provide e-mail address in the box below. E-mail address (BLOCK LETTERS): PART 2 - REQUEST FOR FREE COPY OF ABSENT VOTERS LISTS These are supplied free of charge by the ERO on written request under Regulation 61(1) of The Representation of the People (Scotland) Regulations 2001 (as amended). In this case, the qualifying applicants are as described in Part 1 above. If you wish to request the issue of Absent Voting Lists, please enter an X in the box opposite. It will, whenever possible, be issued in the same format (either data or PDF) as the register. (PART 3 - CANDIDATES OR AGENTS DETAILS Candidates or Agents NameCandidates or Agents Signature DateAddress   Contact Telephone No Contact E-Mail Address if different from above NOTE - WITHDRAWAL OF CANDIDATES Should a candidate to whom a register and or absent voters lists have been issued subsequently not stand or withdraw from an election, any register or lists supplied in paper format should be returned to the ERO. Any copy provided electronically should be destroyed. In such circumstances any usage of the register, for any purpose, may be in contravention of the legislation. PART 4 - DELIVERY INSTRUCTIONS Copies of the register and absent voters lists will be issued as soon as possible after the receipt of your request.  Please send this form to: THE ELECTORAL REGISTRATION OFFICER 17A SOUTH GYLE CRESCENT EDINBURGH, EH12 9FL or as an e-mail attachment to: enquiries@lothian-vjb.gov.uk If you need additional information, please telephone 0131 344 2500 '/17;<=>?Z= z { G H R S Ӽuff\QQQ\G\\h08aCJOJQJh;Z5CJOJQJh;ZCJOJQJh(h;ZCJOJQJaJh>.h;ZCJOJQJaJh;ZCJOJQJaJh/h;Z9CJOJQJh&s h;Z9OJQJaJ h>.h;Z5CJOJQJaJh;Z5CJOJQJaJhj0CJOJQJhn1uCJOJQJh>CJOJQJhlj4h;ZCJOJQJaJh;ZCJOJQJ=>?Zz { $$Ifa$gd;Z$a$gd;Z$d&dNPgd;Z$a$gd;Zgdn1ugd;Z R S H I p``````````$$If]a$gd;Zkd$$Ifl    0%5&%     0    &4 lapyt;Z S F H I H ɻpaTh2Dh;ZCJOJQJh\_h;ZCJ0OJQJaJ0" jh\_h;ZCJ0OJQJaJ0h2Dh;ZCJOJQJaJh/h;ZCJOJQJh;Z56CJOJQJh/h;Z56CJOJQJh&s h;Z5CJOJQJh;ZCJ OJQJh;ZCJOJQJh;Z5CJOJQJhBP#h;Z5CJOJQJh;ZCJOJQJ $$Ifa$gd;Zakd$$Ifl    5&& 0    &4 layt;Z wkkkk $$Ifa$gd;Zkdo$$Ifl    F%5&$0    &    4 layt;Z th $$Ifa$gd;Zkd!$$Ifl4    F7%5&"    0    &    4 laf4yt;Z  $$Ifa$gdP/ $$Ifa$gd;Zakd$$Ifl    5&&0    &4 layt;Z   ()BCDEFTDEⷭ⠓{{{ssh{{{{XhjhP/5CJOJQJ\hbEWh;ZCJaJh08aCJaJh;ZCJ OJQJhVoh;Z5CJOJQJhBP#h;ZCJOJQJh/h;ZCJOJQJh;ZCJOJQJhP/CJOJQJh\_h;ZCJ0OJQJaJ0" jh\_h;ZCJ0OJQJaJ0h2Dh;ZCJOJQJh2Dh;Z5CJOJQJaJ!CDEdXXX $$Ifa$gd;Zkda$$Ifl    \7}B5&F0    &4 layt;ZEFTxl $$Ifa$gd;Z $IfgdBz $Ifgd;Ztkd$$Ifl    0%5&%0    &4 layt;Zwkkk $$Ifa$gd;Zkd$$Ifl    F%5&h      0    &    4 laytBzwg[ $$Ifa$gd;Z$$If]a$gdP/kdw$$Ifl    F%5&$0    &    4 layt;ZȾȌȾth"ehP/CJOJQJ\hn1uCJOJQJh;ZOJQJh;Z56CJOJQJh;Z5OJQJh;ZCJOJQJh;ZCJOJQJh;ZCJ OJQJh;ZCJOJQJhP/CJOJQJ%hjhP/56CJOJQJ]^JhjhP/5CJOJQJ^J, $$Ifa$gd;Zakd7$$Ifl    5&&0    &4 layt;Zwkkk $$Ifa$gd;Zkd$$Ifl    F%5&$0    &    4 layt;Zwkkk $$Ifa$gd;Zkdq$$Ifl    F%5&@ F     0    &    4 layt;Zwk_SS $$Ifa$gd;Z $$Ifa$gd;Z $$Ifa$gd;ZkdM$$Ifl    F%5&$0    &    4 layt;Zwkkkkk $$Ifa$gd;Zkd $$Ifl    F %5& 0    &    4 layt;ZQAAA$xx$Ifa$gd;Zkd $$Ifl    r/  %5&   0    &4 layt;Zthhh $$Ifa$gd;Zkdq $$Ifl4    F %5&      0    &    4 laf4yt;ZwxwoojZZZN $$Ifa$gd;Z$$If^a$gdP/gd;Z$a$gd;Zkd7 $$Ifl    F%5&$0    &    4 layt;Zwx܃{nnddddddddhP/CJ OJQJhKr{hP/CJOJQJhP/OJQJhP/5CJOJQJh;ZCJOJQJh;ZCJOJQJh2Dh;ZCJOJQJaJh\_h;ZCJ0OJQJaJ0h/h;ZCJOJQJh%QGhP/CJOJQJaJhP/CJOJQJh"ehP/CJOJQJ\hP/5CJOJQJ'ymmm $$Ifa$gd;Zykd $$Ifl4    0r"5&q#R0    &4 laf4yt;Z $$Ifa$gd;Zwkkk $$Ifa$gd;Zkdr $$Ifl    Fr%5&$0    &    4 layt;ZwkbbVk $$Ifa$gdP/ $IfgdP/ $$Ifa$gdP/kd) $$Ifl    Fr%5&$0    &    4 layt;ZNB4 $$Ifa$gdKr{K$ $$Ifa$gdP/kd $$Ifl4    rr%5&u0    &4 laf4yt;Z $$Ifa$gdP/pkd$IfK$L$l## t044 lap ytKr{wkkk $$Ifa$gdP/kd#$$Ifl    Fr%5&$0    &    4 layt;Zwkkk $$Ifa$gdP/kd$$Ifl    Fr%5&$0    &    4 layt;Zwkk $$Ifa$gdP/kdY$$Ifl    Fr%5&$0    &    4 layt;Z !"#$    ,-./Ǹqqqqdh/hP/CJOJQJhcehP/CJOJQJaJhP/CJOJQJh/hP/CJOJQJh\_hP/CJ0OJQJaJ0" jh\_hP/CJ0OJQJaJ0hcehP/CJ OJQJaJ h&s hP/CJ OJQJaJ h6ICJOJQJhP/CJ OJQJhP/CJOJQJhP/5CJOJQJ# !"#maaa $$Ifa$gdP/kd$$Ifl4    0r%5&%       0    &4 laf4pyt;Z#$wkk__ $$Ifa$gdP/ $$Ifa$gdP/kd$$Ifl    Fr%5&$0    &    4 layt;Zyyy $$Ifa$gdP/ykds$$Ifl4    0r"5&q#R0    &4 laf4yt;Z  thh $$Ifa$gdP/kd$$Ifl4    Fr%5&$0    &    4 laf4yt;Z   pddd $$Ifa$gdP/kd$$Ifl    0r%5&%       0    &4 lapyt;Z,-.wnbb $$Ifa$gdP/ $IfgdP/kd$$Ifl    Fr%5&$0    &    4 layt;Z./012wkkk $$Ifa$gdP/kd@$$Ifl    Fr%5&3u    0    &    4 layt;Z/0123TUVZ[\]^_`abklmnopqrstuvwxy̱̾hH!hP/5CJOJQJhP/CJOJQJhP/CJOJQJh/hP/CJOJQJh/hP/6CJOJQJh/hP/CJOJQJh/hP/CJOJQJh\_hP/CJOJQJh/hP/CJOJQJ323TUV[\]wnbbVbb $$Ifa$gdP/ $$Ifa$gdP/ $IfgdP/kd$$Ifl    Fr%5&$0    &    4 layt;Z]^_`aNBBB $$Ifa$gdP/kd$$Ifl4    rrY %5&3        0    &4 laf4yt;ZabklmnowgZggg (($IfgdP/$(($Ifa$gdP/kd$$Ifl    Fr%5&$0    &    4 layt;Zopqrsttdddd$(($Ifa$gdP/kd"$$Ifl4    Fr%5&`3u    0    &    4 laf4yt;Ztuvwxthhh $$Ifa$gdP/kd$$Ifl4    Fr%5& 3u    0    &    4 laf4yt;Zxywnbbb $$Ifa$gdP/ $IfgdP/kd$$Ifl    Fr%5&$0    &    4 layt;Zrfff $$Ifa$gdP/kdO$$Ifl4    Fr%5&j >    0    &    4 laf4yt;Zwnnbb $$Ifa$gdP/ $IfgdP/kd$$Ifl    Fr%5&$0    &    4 layt;Zthhh $$Ifa$gdP/kd$$Ifl4    Fr%5&j >    0    &    4 laf4yt;Zwkkk $$Ifa$gdP/kdh$$Ifl    Fr%5&$0    &    4 layt;ZjklBZpq˯˖{mm_mTh;Z5CJ OJQJhBnh;Z5CJOJQJhdh;Z5CJOJQJhBnh;Z5CJ OJQJaJ h;Z5CJOJQJhceh;ZCJOJQJaJh<"CJOJQJhP/56CJOJQJhcehP/CJOJQJaJhP/CJOJQJh~phP/CJ OJQJaJ hP/5CJOJQJh~phP/5CJOJQJaJjk~ $$Ifa$gdP/$$If]a$gdP/dkd$$Ifl4    r5&&0    &4 laf4yt;Zkl$$If]a$gdP/ $IfgdP/dkd$$Ifl4    r5&&0    &4 laf4yt;ZBZpqpkcccYcccc  gd;Z$a$gd;Zgd;Zkd)$$Ifl    0r5&       0    &4 lapyt;Z + 0. 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