
Planning pre-application customer service guide

Frequently asked questions

Will I receive a refund if my planning application is ultimately refused?

No. Pre-application advice is provided strictly without prejudice to the Planning Authority’s determination of any subsequent planning application.

If I go on to make a planning application, are the costs of the pre-application advice deducted from my planning fee?

No. Charges for pre-application advice are entirely separate from statutory planning fees.

How does the pre-application advice service relate to the Planning Helpdesk?

The Planning Helpdesk will remain in place as a source of free advice on general planning matters. Requests for specific advice will be referred to the pre-application advice service.

How does the pre-application advice service relate to the Urban Design Panel?

The Council will continue to invite a small number of developments to present their proposals to the Urban Design Panel each year. For the avoidance of doubt, there is no charge for this.

Can I receive pre-application advice on a live application?

No. Should customers wish to receive advice on development proposals that are the subject of a live application they will be required to first withdraw the application.

Can I apply for pre-application advice on a site I have no material interest in, e.g. a site I am interested in buying?

Yes. The pre-position discussion service is particularly suitable for customers in this situation.

What if external consultees don’t provide advice?

The Council will make its best endeavour to obtain input from relevant statutory external consultees. However, the Council cannot control whether or what input external consultees provide and can accept no responsibility and offer no refunds if external consultees are unable to provide advice or attend meetings, or if the advice provided is not comprehensive.

Can I pay for the service by cash or cheque?

For accounting reasons the Council cannot accept payment by cash or cheque. Payment can be made by credit/debit card or BACS. Council service areas can pay by journal transfer.

What if I am not certain what quantum of development I am proposing?

In line with the Town and Country Planning (Hierarchy of Developments) (Scotland) Regulations 2009, all developments on sites of two hectares or greater will be treated as major developments. Where the quantum of development is unknown, the Council will make a judgement on which scale of development the proposals correspond.

Under what powers have the charges been introduced?

The Town and Country Planning (Fees for Applications) (Scotland) Regulations 2022 (as amended) make provision for planning authorities to charge fees for carrying out pre-application discussions.

I am unhappy with the service provided; what can I do?

Please direct any complaints to the planning team manager in the first instance. Complaints can be escalated via the Council's complaints procedure and, if necessary, the Scottish Public Services Ombudsman. Please note that the Council can only address complaints relating to the service itself, not the nature of the advice offered