
Local Government Election 2022: Guidance on count procedures for candidates, election agents and counting agents

Layout of the count area

The count will take place in two counting halls across two floors of the EICC.

Box opening

Ballot Box opening will take place in both the Lomond Hall for odd-numbered wars and the Cromdale hall for even-numbered wards.  The ballot papers will be taken out of boxes, unfolded and sorted so they are all face up and the same orientation.

Count halls

The Electronic Count (eCount) - the processes of registration, scanning, verification and adjudication - will take place in across two floors of the building.  Even-numbered wards will be counted in the Cromdale Hall on the lower ground floor. Odd-numbered wards will be counted in the Strathblane Hall on the ground floor.

There will also be a stage for declaration of results in the Pentland suite on Level 3 of the EICC.

Candidate briefing areas

There are four briefing areas for candidates and election agents, two on the ground floor and two on the lower ground floor, where the provisional results will be shared confidentially before any public declaration.

Cromdale count hall layout diagram

Layout of the Cromdale main count hall for the Local Government Elections 2022

Strathblane count hall layout diagram

Layout of the Strathblane count hall for the Local Government Elections 2022,