- 20mph Network Implementation
- A boards and other temporary on-street advertising structures
- Abolishment of Library Fines
- Active Travel Action Plan (ATAP) Interim
- Affordable Childcare for Working Parents
- Air Quality Action Plan
- CCWEL Project
- Circulation Plan Interim Summary Report
- City Mobility Plan
- City Plan 2030
- City strategic investment fund
- Closure of Brunstane Road and associated measures
- Commercial Excellence Programme - Alcohol procurement plan for the award of our alcohol contract
- Complex needs employability
- Controlled Parking Zones and Carers
- Corstorphine Connections Low Traffic Neighbourhood
- Creating Safe Spaces for Walking and Cycling
- Culture and Economy organisational review
- Customer engagement and building standards improvement plan
- Decriminalised Parking Enforcement
- Delivering Actions for Active Travel – Supporting Information’ paper
- Delivering Actions for Parking – Car Clubs
- Delivering Actions for Parking – Controlled Parking Zones
- Delivering Actions for Parking – Electric Vehicle Charging
- Delivering Actions for Parking – Pricing Strategies
- Delivering Actions for Parking – Residents’ Parking Permits
- Delivering Actions for Parking – Waiting and Loading Restrictions on Main Traffic Routes
- Delivering Actions for Public Transport – Supporting Information’ paper
- Door Entry Systems in Minority Owned Tenements
- Draft Air Quality Action Plan for public consultation
- Draft Princes Street and Waverley Valley Strategy
- Dundas Street - Objection to proposed introduction of 24-hour waiting restrictions
- Economic Development review of subsidised childcare
- Economic Development staff savings
- Edinburgh biodiversity action plan 2019-2021
- Edinburgh Blended Employability Service
- Edinburgh Blended Employability Service - Interim IIA
- Edinburgh city centre transformation proposed strategy - Final
- Â鶹ӳ» Sexual Entertainment Venues Licensing Policy
- Â鶹ӳ» Short Term Lets Licensing Policy
- Edinburgh Local Development Plan September 2017
- Edinburgh Local Employability Partnership Delivery Plan 2022-2025
- Edinburgh Local Heat and Energy Efficiency Strategy and Delivery Plan
- Edinburgh Low Emission Zone
- Edinburgh Planning Guidance: Review of Guidance for Development in the Countryside and Green Belt
- Edinburgh Planning Guidance: Review of Guidance for Householders
- Edinburgh Short-term Let Control Area - Final
- Edinburgh Street Design Guidance - Interim Report
- Employability Third Party Grants and No One Left Behind Phase 2 Implementation
- Employability Third Party Grants Fund