
Gilmerton Dykes Road - List of public roads In Edinburgh

Hyvots Bank
Street Adoption Status
Property Notice Description
GILMERTON DYKES ROADFrom the junction of Ravenscroft Place and Newtoft Street including branch to Ravenscroft Place oneast side of grass island, south-west towards Lasswade Road at Edgehead - a cul-de-sac. Including loop road on west side and branch serving No.s140-154. Including access path from No.6 to GILMERTON DYKES STREET. Also includes access road leading to No.14 & remote footway west to Kilngate Brae. Including cul-de-sac from Gilmerton Dykes Road north-east, adjacent to No.s12-14 serving no.s16-30. Carriageways and adjacent footways adopted for maintenance.