
CCWEL Cycle link - Small Business Compensation scheme - Petitions (Closed)

Petition details
We small businesses affected by the CCWEL Section 1 running from Roseburn to Haymarket call on the Council to establish a Compensation Fund which would be used to support our businesses in the event we are adversely affected by the cycle track. We propose the scheme runs for three years from the beginning of construction.
This petition is overwhelmingly supported by the Murrayfield Community Council.

We note the Council gave financial assistance to the businesses that suffered on account of the tram works. We see in Roseburn a loss of 40% of on- street parking/loading outside our businesses and fear this will severely affect our incomes.
We note that the Council presented studies from around the world showing cycle tracks would either have no impact or would increase trade. We therefore hope we will not need to make a claim on this fund. Nevertheless, a lot of traders may suffer.

We appreciate that we shall need to present accounts showing a loss that can be proven to arise from the track. Since there has been so many disruptions at Haymarket which only ended in November, we believe the baseline for setting the norm should be one year’s accounts dating from Nov 2018.
Petition Status
Petition submitted by (Business or Individual)
Name of petitioner
Mr George Rendall
Opening date
Closing date
Total signatories
28 (Business) and 89 (Individual)
Petition Outcome
This petition will be considered by the Transport and Environment Committee on 28 February 2019.