
Place a moratorium on the construction of private student accommodation - Petitions (Invalid)

Petition details
It has come to our attention that a number of construction companies are building private student accommodation complexes to overcome the requirement to build affordable housing in Edinburgh.
With house prices increasing at a faster rate than prices in London, it is becoming increasingly more important for affordable housing to be built in Edinburgh to accommodate those on low incomes. People should not be forced out of the city by skyrocketing housing prices.

There are already far too many student accommodation complexes in the city and most universities have an adequate amount to house students most in need of this type of accommodation. Furthermore, most private companies charge extortionate amounts for small rooms and therefore exploit the student accommodation.

It is about time Edinburgh City Council put and end to this.
Petition status
Invalid - In terms of Paragraph 1.1 of our Petitions criteria states that we are unable to accept a petition that relates to planning, licensing or other matters where objections and appeals against decisions are dealt with by another process.
Petition submitted by (Business or Individual)
Name of petitioner
Mr Ian Close