
Hospital carer support

Support for carers whilst in hospital

Carer support workers in hospital can help you to get involved from the point of admission in planning support for the person you care for when they leave hospital. This is called discharge planning. They can also help you access additional carer support such as support groups and short breaks. You can use this service if you, or the person in an Edinburgh hospital, is aged 18 years or over. The carer support worker can help you:

  • Work with staff to decide what support will be arranged for the person you care for when they leave hospital
  • Decide what support you are able to provide as a carer
  • By offering to prepare an Adult Carer Support Plan with you
  • Discuss your own needs as a carer
  • Make connections to a range of carer support opportunities and organisations
  • Obtain general information on medical conditions and treatment

What happens when the person you care for leaves hospital?

At the point when the person you care for leaves hospital, you should know what support has been arranged for them and what support you can access. Remember, it is important to look after your own health and wellbeing and maintain your own life alongside caring.

Find out more about the service

You can contact the Edinburgh Carer Support Team by calling: 0131 536 3371 (Monday-Friday, 9am-4pm)

Ward staff, charge nurses, social workers, occupational therapists or physiotherapists can put you in touch with the carer support hospital discharge workers and connect you to the service with your consent.