
Creating an accessible PDF

Converting to PDF

Once you have completed the previous steps, and used the accessibility checker to catch any issues, you should now be ready to convert your Word document to PDF.

Converting to PDF if you have Acrobat installed on your computer

Screenshot of Adobe pdf maker.


If you have Acrobat installed on your computer, you should use Acrobat’s PDF maker.

  • Select the Acrobat tab in word and then click on “preferences”.
  • Ensure that the “ensure accessibility and reflow with tagged Adobe PDF” box is checked.
  • Once this is checked, select Ok
  • You will only need to do this once.
  • Next select the “Create PDF” button
  • Enter filename and save.

The PDF maker will then begin generating the file for you.

Converting to PDF if you don't have Acrobat installed on your computer

There is another way to generate your PDF if you don’t have Acrobat.

  • First go to save as.
  • Select PDF from the dropdown next to “save as type”
  • Next, click on the options button.
  • Ensure that “Document structure tags for accessibility” is checked.
  • Click Ok and Save.
Document structure tags in word.