
Facts about 20mph streets

Road safety: Driving more slowly reduces the number and severity of casualties. You are seven times more likely to survive if you are hit by a car driving at 20mph, than if you are hit at 30mph.

Environment: Calmer road speeds contribute to less traffic congestion, better health, less noise, more social interaction and stronger communities.

Active travel: Lower speed limits encourage people of all ages to walk and cycle.

Enforcement: Police Scotland is supportive of improved road safety across the city and is working with the Council to achieve this.  Police Scotland recognise speed management is an important element of this and will continue to enforce speed limits across the city road network.

Journey times: Impact on car journey times is minimal with no significant changes to bus journey times.

Congestion: Research indicates that slower speeds encourage a smoother driving style with less stopping and starting which helps traffic to flow.

Pollution:  Studies have so far not conclusively proven either a positive or negative effect on emissions: driving at 20mph causes some emissions to rise slightly and some to fall.

Impact on motorists: Our aim is to balance the needs of drivers with the safety and environment of local residents.  20mph creates a safer environment for everyone including motorists.

Speed humps: The new limit has been introduced without traffic calming measures.

Road Safety Team

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