
About 20mph for Edinburgh

About 20mph in Edinburgh

Driving at 20mph saves lives, thank you, Slow Down Life is better at 20

Edinburgh joins the growing number of European and UK cities introducing lower speed limits.  Slower speeds bring many benefits to places and people. They help to reduce the risk and severity of collisions, encourage people to walk and cycle and spend more time in an area. The reduced speed makes it easier to cross roads, particularly for children and older people.

Councillors approved a new speed limit network for Edinburgh at the Transport and Environment Committee on 13 January 2015, after many years of research and public consultation showing a high level of public support. 

The 20mph network came into effect on 5 March 2018.  Findings from the evaluation of the 20mph rollout were reported to the Transport and Environment Committee in October 2019 and August 2022.

We have  carried out a further consultation on proposals to extend 20mph speed limits in Edinburgh and on introducing lower speed limits on our rural roads.  The consultation closed on 8 February 2023. 

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Some of our downloads might not be accessible - contact 20mph@edinburgh.gov.uk if you need help.

Download the findings from the consultation to extend 20mph speed limits - October 2023

Download the evaluation of the 20mph speed limit roll out - three years post implementation - August 2022

Download the evaluation of the 20mph rollout report October 2019 (PDF 3MB)

Download the objections to the 20mph traffic regulation order from January 2016 (PDF, 4.4 MB) 

Download 20mph for Edinburgh:20mph network implementation (PDF, 3.51 MB)

Download 20mph roll out Council report 13 January 2015 (PDF, 7.96 MB)

Download 20mph roll out Council report 3 June 2014 (PDF, 4.64 MB)

Download consultation and research documents on 20mph (PDFs)

Download briefing note on 20mph signage (PDF 237 KB)

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